Leaky Roofs: The Solution you've Been Looking For

Although you cannot fix the problem yourself, you can take some measures to minimise the damage and repair costs resulting from a leaky roof.

Mitigating moisture damage is the first step, but a leaking roof may not always show as a pool on the floor.

Sometimes the only sign of a leak is a discoloured patch on your ceiling or wall that results from water pooling behind it. When you spot it early, follow these steps to fix it.

Our mission at Viva Painters Melbourne is to ensure that our local painters in Melbourne are efficient in their work.

When you find water on the floor, move a bucket to catch it. Put some scrap wood inside the container to muffle the drip-drip-drip noise while you are at it.

If there are more than mere drips of water, move all items out of the water path and cover any items too heavy to move with a thick plastic sheeting in case there are more than a few drops.

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Drain the water

Using a screwdriver, poke a hole into the water-damaged patch. You may think you are making things worse, but more moisture will seep in if you skip this step.

A small drainage hole can be repaired much easier and cheaper than dealing with structural damage caused by water coming in through a large drainage hole, so it is much easier and cheaper to fix a small drainage hole.

Look for the source of the leak. Likely, the leak isn't on the roof section that needs to be repaired since water travels down the flashing until it finds a weak spot.

You can check for leaks in your attic during daylight hours by turning off the lights and checking for small openings in the roof if you have access to your attic during daylight hours.

We at Viva Painters Melbourne offer the highest quality house roof painting in Melbourne that you won't find anywhere else.

Fight water with water if you cannot spot any signs of attic damage

Shower the roof by standing outside and using a long hose until water starts dripping back into the room. This will give you a second chance to pinpoint the problem. It has been shown in a variety of case studies that this aspect is essential.

Hire a professional

Therefore, it is best to hire a professional to handle the problem since various factors can contribute to leaks, such as clogged gutter or shingles that have crumbled and a roof that has failed to be flashed.

After a thorough inspection, if you still do not know what's causing your roof to leak, call a professional to diagnose it and recommend a fix. The repair will depend on the roof pitch and type of shingles.

It is necessary to take temporary measures to protect your roof and home from snow, rain, and water damage if you find a leak but cannot get a same-day repair.

Cover the affected area with heavy plastic sheeting, a tarp (at least six millimetres thick), and a pair of 2x4s if the roof is dry enough to climb.

The quality of the house roof painting in Melbourne by Viva Painters Melbourne is excellent.

You should ensure the leaky area is covered entirely by rolling plastic four feet out from the problem area, past the roof ridge, and then four feet down the opposite side.

There should be one 2x4 placed on top of the tarp opposite the leaky spot and one 2x4 beneath the leaky area at the bottom of the tarp.

Our local painters in Melbourne are the best in the business.

Assuming this is the case, the bottom 2x4 should rest against a fascia board or eave board, and the tarp should then be folded over each panel and stapled in place on both sides.

As a precaution, if you are concerned about the wind, you may wish to place a third 2x4 on top of the top board, which you have already covered with plastic sheeting.

To avoid a few more leaks, you should not nail or screw boards directly into your roof unless you want to compound the problem with more leaks. Instead, contact our local painters in Melbourne at Viva Painters Melbourne today!

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