Guide (Page 55)

6 Reasons To Invest In Short-Term Rental Properties

6 Reasons To Invest In Short-Term Rental PropertiesIn the past, real estate investors focused on long-term rental property investments. However, during the recent pandemic, many of these investors incurred significant losses because tenants struggled to pay the bills. Many of these property owners were forced to let go of their properties. Because of this, many investors are considering short-term rental property investment. This is growing in... ❯❯❯

7 Simple Tips for Decorating Small Spaces when Renting an Apartment

7 Simple Tips for Decorating Small Spaces when Renting an ApartmentAfter renting an apartment, your mind might be flooded with numerous decor ideas. And why not? Decorations help add a lively and personal touch to any space, be it a just living room or the entire apartment. However, it can become a daunting task when working with is more diminutive. You need to arrange items so that the small space looks well-organized and aesthetically pleasing. Additionally,... ❯❯❯

Is It Normal For a New Roof To Leak?

Is It Normal For a New Roof To Leak?Repairing or replacing a roof is a lengthy and complex process that requires a lot of effort, resources, and expenses. This is why you, as a homeowner, expect the best results, and it can indeed be frustrating to see adverse outcomes of your investment. Of course, it is entirely unusual for a new roof to leak, and in such cases, the best course of action is to solve the situation step by step.... ❯❯❯

6 Creative Ideas For Maximizing Space In A Studio Apartment

6 Creative Ideas For Maximizing Space In A Studio ApartmentAs of 2018, the average size of a newly constructed studio apartment in the US was approximately 514 square feet, marking a 10.3% decrease from 573 square feet in 2008, according to a report on Flex. Renting a studio apartment is an excellent choice if you want to have an affordable and easy to maintain space you can call home. The only downside of living in a small apartment is limited space.... ❯❯❯

Seven Telltale Signs You Should Buy a New House

People can spend the rest of their lives living in the same place. There appears to be nothing wrong with this, as far as I can tell. After purchasing a home, we won't have to deal with these issues again. You can relax once you have a place to call home. The birth of a child, a change in plans, or even just emotional shifts are all examples of life's ups and downs. There was a time in the past... ❯❯❯

Effective Techniques To Keep Flies Away From Food At An Outdoor Party

Summer brings the promise of warm weather, the ability to entertain outdoors, and generally creates a more positive spin on life. But, it also brings an array of pests, including flies. These are a nuisance as they land on any surface, carry a variety of diseases, and they leave a trail of faeces behind them. This can be a real issue, especially if you are entertaining outside and want people to... ❯❯❯

Renting vs Purchasing in Florida: What to Opt for?

Renting vs Purchasing in Florida: What to Opt for?Image Source Investing in real estate is definitely one of the best moves you can make. Naturally, every investor out there has preferences about it. There is no magic formula for doing this right and expecting a profit. But what happens when someone doesn’t have a profit in mind? For instance, let’s say that someone visits the state of Florida every year. The reason Florida is the best example... ❯❯❯

Expert Marketing Tactics That Can Help Property Developers Thrive In Uncertain Times

Expert Marketing Tactics That Can Help Property Developers Thrive In Uncertain TimesEven through worldwide market turmoil and dwindling inventories, the global real estate market is slated to grow to over $3.7 trillion in market value in 2022, according to Research and Markets. One of the key reasons for this is arguably the ability of property developers to make use of what is on hand to satisfy customer needs. Effective marketing is a key component of this, because it directs... ❯❯❯

Want to Move from an Apartment to a Home? Do This

Millions of people who live in apartments do so temporarily, aiming to improve their financial situations, save up for down payments on homes, and eventually move out. If you currently pay monthly rent to a landlord, consider making a few financial moves that can get you started on a path toward homeownership. What are the most effective strategies? Everyone's financial and life situation is... ❯❯❯

NYC’s Local Law 87: A Roadmap To Compliance

First introduced in 2009 with NYC Local Law 84, Benchmarking mandates that buildings over 50,000 square feet report their annual energy usage and water consumption. The year 2016 witnessed an extension of it under Local Law 133 to also include properties with an area greater than 25,000 square feet but lesser than 50,000 square feet. The two laws serve in tandem to increase the transparency... ❯❯❯

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