How To Paint Your Rental Property

When attracting the best tenants for rental houses, the interior painting should be flawless. Walls are one of the first things potential renters will notice because they constitute the majority of the surface area of your rental property. Scuffs, scratches, fading, or excessive wear may rapidly make a whole apartment or home appear outdated.

Therefore, if you want to attract high-quality tenants to your apartment, painting the interior is a wise investment. Below is a guide on how to paint your rental property. 

1. Prepare Walls Before Painting

To prevent getting paint on surfaces that shouldn't have, you should mask walls, windows, floors, and trim before painting a space. So, before you get started, here are some tips to help you prepare your rental property for painting:

  • Mask the wall with blue painter's tape before painting the trim. To prevent paint from getting on the wall, apply the tape directly to the edge of the trim.
  • When painting around a light fixture, hide the fixture by wrapping it in a large trash bag and securing it with masking tape.
  • When painting your walls, protect your carpet with drop cloths.
  • Take off the covers from your switches and electrical outlets so you can easily paint around them.
  • Remove the drapes because they could get stained by the paint.
  • Fill any gaps in the wall to make it easier to paint over them.

Depending on how the interior is designed, there may be some extra steps you could consider to prepare your space for painting entirely. But the above tips could serve as a good starting point. 

2. Pick The Right Color

It’s important to note that choosing the right color can be difficult because there are many options to choose from. Painting a rental property is different from painting your own house. In a rental, the idea is to provide a neutral backdrop on which renters may add their unique decorations

Moreover, people come from various backgrounds and have diverse preferences. So, you’d want to apply a paint that will appeal to everyone. That’s why it’s generally a good idea to avoid bold colors. Instead, go with neutral colors like grey, beige, and off-white, which typically appeal to many people.

3. Pick The Right Finish

Rental properties are notorious for having a high turnover rate. As a result, damage to your painted surfaces will show considerably more quickly. Therefore, choosing the appropriate paint finish for various sections of your rental house will aid in extending its lifespan.

Here are some of the options to consider.

  • Matte Finish

This choice provides no sheen and gives the appearance of profoundly saturated color on the walls. But cleaning it isn't easy. 

  • Eggshell Finish

This is a wonderful choice for covering minor flaws on wall surfaces since it has a low sheen.

  • Satin Finish

Satin is the best option for most rooms in rental properties due to its mild sheen. 

  • Semi-gloss Finish

This is excellent for bathrooms and kitchens because it is easy to clean and has a glossy finish.

  • High Gloss Finish

High gloss finishes add a striking touch to any space. But if not applied correctly, it could be uneven. High gloss, when correctly applied, repels water and is durable and straightforward to maintain. 

4. Choose The Right Paint

There are various types of paints available on the market. So, choosing one may not be an easy decision. If you’re unsure, it would be best to consult a professional to help you determine the right type and quality of paint. Even though you still want to keep your costs at a minimum, realize that quality paint will likely be more durable and look better.  

Moreover, if you’re a landlord, you probably already know about the potential damage tenants may do to your property. That said, you might be surprised to learn that picking the proper sheen might make it much simpler to clean the walls after the renter vacates. Therefore, if possible, it would be ideal to choose semi-gloss paint rather than flat or matte paint. Instead of having to paint over scuffs, you can easily wipe them off.

5. Choose The Right Painting Tools

You’ll have to buy the right tools to apply paint properly. Start by going to your nearest home improvement or hardware store to find the necessary tools. Here are some of the tools you may need and how you can utilize them during the painting process.

  • Rollers

A paint roller will be useful if you're painting a big, flat surface. You can finish a lot of painting quickly with the aid of this tool. 

  • Brushes

You should get an angled paintbrush if you're painting trim or touching up small spaces. 

  • Sprayers

These are more expensive than rollers and brushes, but they can speed up the completion of a substantial painting project. Sprayers are easier to operate than rollers and produce a more uniform finish.

  • Painting Sticks

Use a painting stick to increase the reach of your roller so you can paint confined spaces.

  • Protective Eyewear

Wearing protective eyewear is essential, especially if you're painting the ceiling.


If you own a rental property, it’s crucial to ensure that you maintain your property's walls. Tenants come in and out constantly and may leave the walls with varying levels of damage. But your paint must be pristine if you want to attract new tenants. Therefore, repainting your unit regularly is somewhat imperative. You can use the above guide as a starting point for repainting your rental property. Also, don’t hesitate to consult a professional painter for the best results.

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