Do You Need Minerals in Water?

Drinking a lot of water is a healthy practice. Infusing essential minerals such as magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc makes it even healthier. One of the most practical ways of doing so is by using mineral filters for water.

This means that these essential elements are also lostduring the process of making water safe for drinking. You also need these elements for desirable health benefits. 

Filterway has prepared this highly informative piece to enlighten you on how to add minerals to water, and the type of elements you can add to it, and why you need them. Let's dive in.

Ways of Adding Minerals to Water

We all agree that minerals in water are good for you! Here are some practical insights on how to add minerals to drinking water:

1. Using alternative water filtration methods

Technology has availed methods of purifying, while adding minerals to water. You will need to get a special filter and attach it to your tap. This filter will purify and, at the same time, enrich drinking water with essential minerals. 

2. Adding fruits, vegetables, or herbs

The regular fruits and vegetables we eat contain essential elements. You can take advantage of this rich presence of these components and use them to enrich your water. But first, clean the fresh fruits, vegetables, or herbs you like before adding them.

3. Utilizing mineral-rich salts

Non-processed salts like Himalayan salt have a wealth of minerals, making them a perfect addition to your water. The good news is that, when you use the correct amount, you will get a pleasant taste that will make you want to drink more!

4. Getting a special bottle

Do you fancy drinking from fancy bottles? It will interest you to know that there are special bottles with filters that clean and add essential elements to your water as you sip it. They maintain the natural taste while making it rich in significant minerals. Be sure to get a high-quality brand for the best results.

5. Using specific additives

To make your water rich in essential elements, you can manually add the minerals to it before drinking it. The options you have for this include mixing specific electrolyte powders into it. Get powders without flavors or sugar to maintain the original taste.

Alternatively, you can use mineral drops and use the recommended quantities. 

Minerals That Can be Added 

Some of the elements you can add to your water to infuse it with significant nutrients are:


Copper is naturally an antibiotic and dding it helps with purification. There are also claims that it reduces cancer risks, fights infections, and aids digestion.


Calcium helps in attaining stronger bones and teeth. It also promotes proper muscle, organ, and nerve functionality. Thus using it is a wise choice.


Iron is not only an immune booster but also a great way to make you more energetic, have a clear mind, and have the right body temperature.


This element regulates body fluid levels, reducing blood pressure and minimizing the risk of cardiovascular problems. It is an electrolyte that works together with sodium to maintain a balance of fluids in body cells.


Magnesium is critical in body functions, like converting amino acids into essential proteins that release energy. It also prevents diseases like high blood pressure. 


This vital element is responsible for fostering the manufacture of protein and DNA. It also plays an essential role in growing and restoring cells. 


Controlled amounts of sodium in your body helps it maintain the proper equilibrium of nutrients and water in the cells. This makes sodium a great addition to your water.

Final Thoughts

Do you need minerals in water? The answer to this question is a big 'Yes.' It's time to implement the methods we have highlighted above to fortify it with essential minerals, and your body will thank you for this!

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