How to sell your house in Houston quickly and profitably?

Selling a house is a simple matter if you know and follow certain rules. Setting a fair price, competently compiling an ad, putting things in order, and choosing a good intermediary are the decisive stages on which the success of a transaction depends.

Let's take a look at what factors can affect how quickly a home is sold.


Do not initially overestimate the cost in the hope that later it will be possible to lower the price. All sorts of promises of discounts and postscripts “negotiations possible” usually do not work: the first guideline for the buyer is always the initial cost. Keep in mind that your home is not worth as much as you want to get for it but as much as the market offers for it, so take the trouble to find out the prices for similar real estate.

Pre-sale preparation

Take a critical look at your home: it may need a facelift. Maybe it's time to re-paste the wallpaper or replace the faucets. It is inexpensive, and the appearance of the house affects the price significantly.


Nobody wants to buy a cat in a sack, everyone wants to see the real estate that they are offered. Don't be lazy to take a few pictures, choose the most attractive angle, showcase the features of the house in the photo - the return on ads with a visual presentation is much higher than from raw text.


Dry information about the number of rooms and square meters is certainly needed, but if it is not supported by a picturesque description, then the ad will not attract much attention. Feel free to emphasize the advantages because they are in every home. Just be truthful, do not start acquaintance with the buyer with deceit.

Choosing a Realtor

It is unlikely that selling a house is an everyday thing for someone, and offhand it is impossible to determine how good a realtor is. Well, if you have friends or acquaintances who have recently encountered the sale of real estate - their opinion about the agency whose services they used can serve as a guide. If no one can give advice, then the best way out is to contact a large real estate office, where, as a rule, there are already well-established work schemes.


There must be an order in all legal characteristics and constituent documents for the house and land. A title document is a contract of sale or another paper that indicates the grounds for the transfer to the owner of the house and plot. The document confirming the right is a certificate of the established form of registration.

Selling Process

Leaving your contact phone number in the ad, make sure that it is always on: you should always be in touch and ready to meet a potential buyer at any time. Feel free to call the agent and find out how things are going (where the ads are placed, how many people called, and so on). When showing a house, ask a potential buyer about its requirements for housing: if the house meets any wishes, feel free to point them out. Talk about the advantages of the house, maybe there is something in it that will make the buyer make a deal with you.

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