Tips for Choosing a Foreclosure Attorney

As a homeowner, you might be facing foreclosure and you will need to act fast in order to keep your property. This means you’ll have to look for a foreclosure attorney as soon as possible. You won’t have a lot of time to do the research. There are some tips that will come in handy when searching for a foreclosure attorney and we’re going to highlight some of them for you.

Get Your Papers in Order

The first thing you will need to make sure of is that your papers are in order. It is also recommended that you first get in touch with a HUD-counselor because they don’t charge for their time. It will be hard for a foreclosure attorney to help when the papers are all over the place. Experts also recommend creating a chronology of what happens from the start. It should be more than a one-page narration of events. You might have been unfairly turned away for a mortgage modification and such details will have to be noted down.

Finding an Attorney

Even after talking with the counselor, it is still recommended that you get in touch with an attorney. There are a number of ways you can look for an attorney. You can start by asking your friends and family for recommendations. You can also go on the internet to search. Make sure to narrow down the search to your locality. You don’t want to work with an attorney that is from out of town. They might not be familiar with the local property laws in your area.

Putting Your Face on Your Game

The first appointment with the attorney is like a business meeting. You will not be looking for a new friend and that is why the meeting should be taken with the seriousness it deserves. A good attorney will be looking for evidence of predatory lending so that you’re avoiding foreclosure altogether.

A good attorney will want to look for the correspondence between you and the lender. The focus will be to determine whether or not the bank acted accordingly with the communication process. It is not uncommon for attorneys to challenge the foreclosure on procedural grounds.

Be Aware of Incompetent Lawyers

Not everyone is going to have your best interest at heart. That is why you should be careful when searching for a foreclosure attorney. An ethical lawyer should not take your money when it is clear that you have insufficient income to support the house. A lawyer that claims he or she can save your home without knowing your income will not be worth your time. An attorney that says they will buy you more time will also not be recommended for your case. You should also be wary of attorneys that charge a flat rate right from the beginning of the case up to the time it is concluded.

Action Plan

The attorney that you intend to work with should have an action plan. It could be challenging the ownership of gambit or negotiating for a mortgage modification. There are some things that you’re not supposed to do when dealing with a foreclosure and the attorney should be able to advise you accordingly.

Qualities of a Good Foreclosure Attorney

A foreclosure attorney is different from lawyers you might have worked with in the past. Since there is a lot of paperwork involved in such cases, the attorney could be forced to look for Barrister Support Services


This is one of the key considerations you should be looking for in a foreclosure attorney. There is a high chance you could lose your house and a good attorney should do everything in their power to ensure that doesn’t happen. They might have handled a similar case to yours in the past and will know what to do to provide a solution to the situation.


You might get an experienced attorney, however, the person is not reliable. This will be the last thing you’d want to deal with when you’re about to lose your house. A reliable attorney will be available in your time of need. They are easily reachable in case you have questions.

To sum it up, dealing with a foreclosure case can be a stressful experience. The attorney that you choose will ensure you’re getting the best legal counsel possible. There is always a way out and you don’t have to lose your house when you’re working with an experienced attorney.

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